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For customers in the UK, we offer a making up service for your tapestry canvases. There are three options:

1 | Send us your canvas with your own finishing materials: piping and backing fabric

2 | Choose your finishing materials from our range: piping, backing fabric and tassels.

3 | Choose your finishing materials from our range, also including a feather cushion pad

This service does not include blocking your canvas, so if you do need to straighten it, this is something straightforward you can do yourself prior to sending it back to us - take a look at this video which shows you how. If you have stitched the design on a frame then it won't shouldn't require blocking. The cushions will be made up with a fold on the back, which we find it the best way long term, rather than using a zip which has a tendency to break.

We have a limited number of spaces for each months making up service. The service includes the postage of the cushion back to you (using a special delivery) but you will need to arrange the postage of your cushion to us. You must send your piece to us to arrive by 22nd of the month listed, and it will then be returned to you made up within 6-8 weeks. For example, if you are booking for the January service you need to send us the cushion by January 22nd.

Once you book your spot (i.e. purchase this service), you will receive an email explaining the steps you need to complete to select your materials and where to send your cushion to. If you want to see the materials you can choose from to make up your cushion before booking, then head to this page to see everything. If you have any questions, send us an email to

How to make up your cushion

Alternatively, you can also make your cushion up yourself. This video guides you through how you can make up a cushion with your stitched canvas, using our tassels, backing fabric and piping. You do need a sewing machine for this guide.

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