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Virtual Course Trailers

These trailers give you insight into what you will learn through our virtual courses.

Start Stitching with The Fabled Thread

About the course

Over the course of 70 minutes of videos, this course will teach you all the basics of sewing from threading a needle, through to learning 10 different stitches and with downloadable designs to practice all you have learnt. Since the launch of the course, we have introduced a bumper new video covering more advanced techniques such as using darning decoratively and pekinese work.

Freestyle Embroidery with The Fabled Thread

About the course

Freestyle embroidery is all about having the confidence to express yourself in thread. Over the course of 90 minutes, I will take away the fear so many people experience when faced with a blank piece of paper, and empower you to start designing. I will show you my unique approach for finding inspiration, choosing colours, constructing designs and more, giving you a structured approach to finding your creative voice.

Decorative Framing with The Fabled Thread

About the course

Over the course of 80 minutes, this course will teach you how to decoratively paint frames. We will introduce you to all the materials you need, the considerations which go into creating designs, as well as over a dozen freehand painting motifs. You will then go on to learn some more advanced techniques such as stenciling, using tape to create designs and reverse glass painting for mounts.